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How to Build the Best Payment Gateway in UAE to Scale Your Business?

  • By Tudoop IQ
  • March 28, 2024

Best Payment Gateway in UAE

In today’s digital age, the increase in online shopping has propelled the necessity for secure and efficient payment systems. Consequently, payment gateways have emerged as the backbone for UAE-centred eCommerce businesses.

According to recent reports, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) payment gateway market is projected to witness a solid compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.2% from 2024 to 2032. Among the GCC nations, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands out as a leader in this domain, dominating the regional payment gateway market.

From startups to big-scale organizations to MSMEs, having a reliable payment gateway solution is key to scaling your e-commerce business. However, building the right one is a challenge in itself.

Here, we aim to provide insights into the process of building robust payment gateway systems tailored to unique business needs. So, without further delay, let’s delve in and draw inspiration from the best payment gateways in the UAE.

What is a Payment Gateway?

Simply put, imagine you are browsing an online store and ready to make a purchase. You have chosen the perfect items, added them to your cart, and it is time to pay. But how does that money get from your bank account to the merchant’s pocket safely? 

Well, that is exactly what the payment gateway system does. Payment gateway integration is like the invisible bridge that connects an online store to the vast network of banks and financial institutions, allowing customers to securely and conveniently pay for their purchases.

Working Process of Payment Gateway App

→ Customers enter their payment information during checkout.

→ The system will encrypt and send the details securely to the bank via OTP.

→ The bank checks the details for validity and funds availability.

→ The bank sends back an approval or decline message.

→ Once approved, funds are transferred from the customer to merchant.

What are the Types of Payment Gateways?

Types of Payment Gateways

There are several types of payment gateways to explore in the UAE and finding the one that best suits your ecommerce business needs requires complete understanding. Thus, a few examples are provided below; take a look!

Hosted Payment Gateways

Hosted payment gateways redirect customers to a secure payment page hosted by a third-party provider during the checkout process. This ensures that sensitive payment information is handled by the service provider, reducing the merchant’s security concerns. It is popular among smaller businesses in the UAE, offering ease of setup and compliance with security standards.

Self-hosted Payment Gateways

In contrast, self-hosted payment gateways allow merchants to host the payment process on their own servers, which grants them greater control over customization and integration. This option is suitable for larger UAE businesses or those looking to preserve brand consistency.

Direct Payment Gateways

A direct payment gateway allows merchants to process payments directly on their website without redirecting visitors to an external payment page. This seamless integration enhances the user experience, fostering trust and convenience for UAE shoppers.

Local Bank Integration

Many payment gateways in the UAE offer integration with local banks, facilitating transactions in the country’s currency by ensuring compatibility with local banking systems. This feature is vital for businesses to enhance transaction reliability and minimize currency conversion fees.

API-Hosted Payment Gateway

API-hosted payment gateways provide merchants with customizable application programming interfaces (APIs) to integrate payment processing directly into their websites or applications. This approach offers flexibility and scalability, catering to businesses of all sizes in the UAE 

Top 6 Best Payment Gateways in UAE for Your eCommerce Platforms

When it comes to payment gateway integration, it is crucial to hire a dedicated developer from to website development company. The following are the 2024 best payment gateways in UAE to get inspiration for your e-commerce platforms. 


PayTabs is one of the oldest and best payment gateway in UAE known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. PayTabs offers robust security features to ensure safe transactions for both merchants and customers. From providing tools like invoicing, subscription billing, and fraud prevention, PayTabs is suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Amazon Payments Service

If looking for the best payment gateways in UAE, Amazon Payments Service is an implacable choice. As it is tailored and accurately matches the needs of Arab shopping and trends, the Amazon payment gateway is the most preferred option for medium and large-scale businesses. Whether to integrate into WooCommerce or WordPress, partner with the top WooCommerce website development company in Dubai and go beyond than  


Checkout is a global-based payment gateway that offers advanced features and customization options for eCommerce businesses. It supports a wide range of payment methods and provides real-time analytics and insights to optimize payment processes. Partnering with the best website development company will ensure a scalable payment integration in your website.


Paypal is a popular payment gateway system in the UAE, especially among those who primarily conduct private and professional transactions. It accepts multiple payment methods and currencies, making it suitable for international transactions. PayPal offers a range of integration options, like APIs, SDKs, and ready-made plugins, for popular e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento.

Noon Payment 

The Middle East has seen a rapid expansion of the Noon payment gateway. Its user-friendly interface and devotion to improving the online shopping experience make it a valuable resource for both B2B & B2C e-commerce businesses. Furthermore, the flexibility allows for the acceptance of a diverse range of payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, COD, and installment plans.


In the Middle East, CashU is considered as a groundbreaking payment gateway solution for eCommerce businesses. With modern fraud prevention like AML systems, it ensures top-level security and guarantees every transaction without the risk of chargeback. However, unlike other top payment gateways in the UAE that have no setup fee, CashU requires payment of a setup fee and security deposit prior to implementation.

payment gateway

How to Select the Best UAE Payment Gateway in UAE?

Selecting the best payment gateway in the UAE involves considering several factors to ensure it aligns with your business needs and goals. 

→ Comprehend your target market, sales volume, business model, and the kinds of transactions you will be handling. 

→ Consider the payment gateway’s setup fees, transaction fees, monthly fees, currency conversion rates, and security features.

→ Choose a payment gateway that is compatible with your e-commerce platform, whether it is a website or an app. 

→ Select a payment gateway that offers a user-friendly checkout process, accepts multiple payment methods, and is mobile-responsive for a better experience.

→ Last but not least, get reliable payment gateway solutions from a renowned provider. 

A Quick Look at the Best Payment Gateway Cost in the UAE

Here’s a more comprehensive table to help you choose the right payment gateway in UAE. Have a quick look. 

Payment Gateway  Transaction Fee (%) Key Benefits It is Ideal for… 
PayTabs 2.85% + 1 AED Lower fees, local processing, and good customer support. Small and medium-sized businesses
Amazon Payments 2.80% + 1 AED Trusted brand, streamlined checkout experience, buyer protection. eCommerce businesses
Checkout 2.90% + 0.75 AED Customizable solutions, advanced analytics, multi-currency support Large enterprises 
PayPal  3.2% + 0.90 AED  Global acceptance, subscription, and recurring payments eCommerce businesses of all sizes
Noon Payment 2.5% + 1.50 AED Top-notch security, detailed dashboard, and payment links Worldwide online retailers
Cashu 2.7% + AED 1.00  Fraud detection, protected data, and refund to buyers. Businesses and customers


(Note: The prices listed are approximations and may differ based on the particular service provider and features included.)

Get a Precise Quote for Payment Gateway Integration RN!

When selecting a payment gateway in Dubai for your eCommerce business, it’s essential to partner with the best website development company in UAE. At TudoopIQ, we excel at building and optimizing online stores, ensuring seamless integration of payment gateways by offering ongoing support for your eCommerce platform. 

Get in touch with us to receive a precise quote for payment gateway integration. From integrating Payment Gateway in mobile apps to online stores, we have you covered. Our goal is to understand your e-commerce business needs and provide the best Payment Gateway solution in the UAE possible. 
